CRPASE ENG Transactions Sigma Journal of Civil Engineering
CRPASE (International Quarterly Open Access Journal) has been publishing since 2015. With a strong focus on delivering high-quality research, our journal has gained a dedicated following of researchers and contributors from various disciplines. To further enhance the effectiveness of our scientific work, we are proud to introduce five specialized transactions, catering to specific fields of engineering and applied sciences. ENG Transactions is a journal of advances in all fields of interest in engineering, and is published continuously. This journal publishes original and high quality papers that have passed the double-blind peer-review procedure. Researchers can submit their original research articles, review, short communications, letters and latest achievements across all areas of Engineering and their multidisciplinary applications. SJCE represents a progressive open-access scholarly medium, catalyzing advanced research and innovation across the comprehensive domain of civil engineering. This journal stands as an instrumental platform for the facilitation of intellectual discourse, the wide-ranging dissemination of scholarly erudition, and the exploration of nascent as well as established realms within the purview of civil engineering.
AI Letters    
AI Letters is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement and understanding of artificial intelligence. The mission of this journal is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, and professionals worldwide to share their insights, discoveries, and theories in the field of AI.